Getting the (Boba) Tea.

Well, it’s Christmas. Again. Like really, does time just move at the same pace as a Falcon Heavy? That’s a spaceship. I referenced it to give my husband a little wave. He’s just opened all his presents, but there, love, a nod to you in this holiday blog. As promised, a gift for you, as … Continue reading Getting the (Boba) Tea.

Voluntold: Calling His Bluff (or did he call mine?)!

My son just returned from six hours of bell ringing for the Salvation Army, a task that I honestly wouldn’t wish on anyone but one that was born via calling his bluff. It’s not that I don’t support this annual fundraising drive; it’s that I have rung that bell myself, decades ago, and I still … Continue reading Voluntold: Calling His Bluff (or did he call mine?)!

Adult Hobbies (not that kind)

I remember it like it was yesterday, sitting in a therapist’s office in silence for a perceived eternity as I flew through my mental file cabinet trying to answer her simple question.  Why can’t I answer this???  It should have been a simple question, anyway. For most people, it probably was a very simple question.  … Continue reading Adult Hobbies (not that kind)